BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1
9-fold symmetry around a central symmetry
axis. Associated with each pair of subunits are
three bacteriochlorophylls and one carote-
noid that are located between the inner and
outer rings of protein subunits.
Although all of the bacteriochlorophyll a
molecules are chemically identical there are
two spectrally distinct sets of bacteriochloro-
phyllain the protein complex, with one set
contributing to an absorption band at 800 nm
and the other at 850 nm (Figure 20.3). The
structure provides a clear explanation for this
spectral division of the bacteriochlorophylls.
The bacteriochlorophylls that absorb at
800 nm form a ring with the planes of the
macrocycles perpendicular to the central
symmetry axis. These pigments lie parallel
to the plane of the membrane and are
quite well separated from each other, with
a distance of approximately 20 Å. Due to the
large distance between neighboring pig-
ments, the molecules interact very weakly
and behave as independent molecules. The
bacteriochlorophylls that absorb at 850 nm
are arranged as closely interacting dimers
with their planes approximately parallel to
the symmetry axis. The dimers form a band
of 18 (or 16) bacteriochlorophylls that are
all highly interacting.
Energy transfer among the bacterio-
chlorophylls can occur by the Forster
mechanism (Chapter 17). In this case, the
bacteriochlorophylls serve as both energy
donor and acceptor so the energies are
well matched and the energy transfer has
been measured to be very efficient. When
the bacteriochlorophyll molecules are close
then energy transfer can occur extremely
rapidly with times of less than 100 fs.
Energy transfer along the rings of bacterio-
chlorophylls has been measured using
femtosecond spectroscopy, yielding the rates of energy transfer (Figure 20.4).
Energy transfer from the 800-nm bacteriochlorophylls to the 850-nm
bacteriochlorophylls occurs in 1 ps. The 850-nm bacteriochlorophylls are
so strongly interacting that the energy is effectively delocalized among


Figure 20.2The three-dimensional structure of the
light-harvesting complex II.

300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000


Wavelength (nm)



complex II

Reaction center
and light-harvesting
complex I


Figure 20.3Optical absorption spectra of the
light-harvesting complexes I and II.

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