BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1
19.7 The modification involves cyclization, oxygenation, and proton
transfer; the GFP becomes colored only after this process takes

19.8 The absorption band has contributions from different states of the
cofactor, the relative populations of which change with pH.

19.9 There is a protonation change of the chromophore.

19.10 GFP can be tagged onto any gene in a genome and the locations
of the protein product can be located in the different parts of the
cell by fluorescence measurements.

19.11 One protein is labeled with GFP and the second is labeled with an
energy acceptor. If the proteins bind, excitation of GFP is followed
by energy transfer to the acceptor and fluorescence is measured
from the acceptor. If the proteins do not bind, excitation of GFP
is followed by fluorescence from GFP because the acceptor is too
far away for energy transfer.


where the parameter r 0 represents the distance at which the effici-
ency of energy transfer is 50%.

19.13There are several factors, such as the spectral overlap, that influence
the efficiency.

19.14 In DsRed, the chromophore undergoes an additional dehydro-
genation that results in a more red color.

19.15 If GFP is fused to a gene of interest, the encoded protein can be
tracked by monitoring the GFP fluorescence in the cell.

19.16 The decay particles can be α, β, or γradiation, depending upon
the isotope.

19.17 For PET, the subject is injected with a molecule containing a label
with an isotope that will emit positrons.

19.18 The positron is not stable and will combine with an electron to
produce energy that has value equal to twice the electron mass,
2 mec^2 , or twice 511 meV. The energy takes the form of two
photons that, to conserve momentum, are directed along equal
and opposite directions from the point where the positron and
electron came together, with each photon having an energy of
511 meV.

19.19The probe 2-[^18 F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose is used to locate glycolysis
processes in the body.

Ef ciency of transfer 1 =





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