BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1
Faraday, Michael 291
Faraday constant, definition 116
Feher, George 366
Fenna, Richard 307
Fermi–Dirac equation 257–260
ferredoxin 118
first law of thermodynamics 1, 21– 45
first-order reactions 136 –140
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)
118, 127
flavin mononucleotide (FMN) 118,
fluorescence resonance energy transfer
(FRET) 306, 310 –315, 410 – 412
fluorescence yield 305 –306
FMO protein 307–310
forbidden region 228 –229
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph 328
Fourier transform 328
Franck, James 423
Franck–Condon principle 302
Franck–Condon term 145 –147,
215 –218

G-protein 376 –377
Germer, Lester 182
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 54
Gibbs energy of formation 121–122
Gilbert, Wallace 160
global climate change 40 – 44
glucose 39 – 40, 53, 56
glutamate transporters 394 –395
Gore, Albert 44
Gray, Harry 217
green fluorescent protein 405 – 410,
412– 414
gumballs 135 –139

Haber, Fritz 66
half-life, definition 136
halorhodopsin 385 –387
Hartree–Fock theory 261–262
heat engine efficiency 60 – 62
Heisenberg, Werner 184, 192
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 192,
helium atom 262–264
heme proteins 335 –336, 367–369
hemoglobin 335 –336, 367–369

Dalton, John 6
Davisson, Clinton 182
de Broglie, Louis 183
Debye, Peter 121
Debye–Huckle theory 121
dehydrogenase 118
Deisenhofer, Johann 426
detergent 77– 82
dihydrofolate reductase 151
DNA, electron transfer 217
DNA structure 18 –19
drug design 27–29, 56 –58
Dutton, P. Leslie 217

Einstein, Albert 180, 300
Einstein coefficient 297–300
electrochemical cells 115 –116
electron microscopy 380 –382
electron nuclear double resonance
(ENDOR) 120, 365 –366
electron paramagnetic resonance
(EPR) 426, 434
electron transfer
distance dependence 215 –218
energetics 144 –147
pathway 215 –218
proton-coupled 108 –111, 433 – 436
electrostatic interactions 176
Emerson, Robert 421
energy, definition 3
energy transfer 423 – 425
enthalpy, definition 33 –34, 47–53
enthalpy of formation 38
enthalpy of fusion 52
initial velocity 152
Lineweaver–Burke equation 155
maximum velocity 154
Michaelis constant 154
Michaelis–Menten mechanism
turnover number 156
equilibium constant 142–143
definition 55 –56, 95
exothermic, definition 50
expectation value, definition 189, 203
extended X-ray absorption fine
structure (EXAFS) 339 –341,
434 – 435


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