BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1
Henderson, Richard 381
Henderson–Hasselbach equation,
definition 103
Henry, William 87
Hermite polynomials 223 –226
Hill, Robert 421
Hindenburg 60
Holliday, Robert 313
Holliday junctions 312–315
Huber, Robert 428
Hückel, Erich 121
Hückel model 276
hybrid cars 60 – 63
hydrogen abstraction model 435 – 436
hydrogen atom 238 –253
d orbitals 252–253
p orbitals 251–252
s orbitals 247–251
hydrogen bonds 57, 120, 279 –280
hydrogen economy 254 –256
hydrogen molecule 270 –275
hydrogenase 232–235, 256
Fe–Fe cluster 232–234, 256
H cluster 232–235
Ni–Fe cluster 232–233, 256
hydrophobic effect 280 –282
hydrophobic interactions 58
hydrothermal vents 4 –5
hyperfine structure 365

ideal gas 2, 6 – 8, 31–33, 48 – 49,58 –59
ion channel 397– 402
ionic strength 122–123
iron–sulfur protein 341
irreversible process 49 –50
isothermal calorimetry 27–29

Jagendorf, Andre 125
Joliot, Pierre 431
Joule–Thompson coefficient 36

Kendrew, John 283
kinases 57–58
Klein–Gordon equation 257–260
Kok, Bessel 431

Laguerre equation 239 –244
Lamor frequency 346
lasers 300 –301

Le Chatelier, Henry 98
Le Chatelier’s principle 98 –99
Legendre equation 239 –244
Lennard–Jones, Sir John Edward 274
Levinthal, Cyrus 168
Levinthal paradox 168
light–harvesting complex I and II
214 –215, 423 – 425
lipid rafts 77–79
lipids 14, 74 –79
liposomes 75 –77, 81
liquefying gases 12–13
London dispersion interaction
273 –274

MacKinnon, Roderick 398
magnetic dipole moment 345,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
360 –362
Marcus, Rudolph 145
Marcus theory 144 –147, 215 –218
Matthews, Brian 307
Maxwell, James 291
mechanosensitive channel 398 – 400
membrane potential 390 –394
membranes 1, 14 –15, 74 –79, 211–215
Menten, Maud 151
micelles 75 –77, 81
Michaelis, Leonor 151
Michel, Hartmut 428
midpoint potential 117–120
Mitchell, Peter 124 –125
mixtures 82– 85
modeling structures and folding
284 –289
momentum, definition 176
multi-electron atoms 260 –262
myoglobin 6, 335 –336, 367–369

Na+/K+pump 393
NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 127
Nernst equation, definition 116
Newton’s law 3, 221–223
Nicholson, Garth 77
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
(NAD) 117–119, 127
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide,
reduced (NADH) 117–119, 127


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