BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1
specific heat 31–38, 63 – 66
spin 257–260
spin– orbital coupling 264 –265
spinal muscular atrophy 35 –358
standard temperature and pressure 38
state function 25 –26, 34 –36, 63 – 66
states of matter 2
stimulated emission 298, 300 –301
succinate dehydrogenase 127
surface tension 79 – 82
synchrotron 332–334
systems 23 –25

Teller, Edward 423
temperature, definition 5 – 6
temperature scales 6
third law of thermodynamics 53 –54
thiyl radical 370
toxin 29
transcriptional activator 29
transition dipole moment 298 –299,
transitions 204 –207, 229 –230,
253 –254, 296 –300
transporters 14, 394 –397
transverse relaxation– optimized
spectroscopy (TROSY) 352–357
triple bond 67

triple point 73
tunneling 209 –218
electron 111
proton 111
tyrosyl radical 433 – 436

UN Intergovermental Panel on
Climate Change 44
urease 148

valence bonds 275 –276
van der Waals’ equation 11
van der Waals’ interactions 57
van Niel, Cornelius 421
van’t Hoff equation 88

Walker, John 129
water oxidation 430 – 436
Watson, James 19
wave–particle duality 182–184
wavefunction, definition 184 –191
work, definition 29 –30

yellow fluorescent protein 408 – 409

zeorth law of thermodynamics 1
zero-point energy 201
zinc finger 288


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