Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
19 Chemistry and Biochemistry of Milk Constituents 449

nate. Cows’ milk is a very significant source of vita-
mins, especially biotin (B 7 ), riboflavin (B 2 ), and
cobalamine (B 12 ), in the human diet. Typical con-
centrations of all the vitamins and the percent of
RDA supplied by 1 L of milk are shown in Table
19.4. For general information on the vitamins see
Schaafma (2002); for specific aspects in relation to
milk and dairy products, including stability during
processing and storage, the reader is referred to a set
of articles in Roginski et al.(2002).
In addition to their nutritional significance, four
vitamins are of significance for other reasons, which
have been discussed in the subsection Fat-Soluble
Vitamins, above.

  • Vitamin A (retinol) and especially carotenoids
    are responsible for the yellow-orange color
    of fat-containing products made from cows’

  • Vitamin E (tocopherols) is a potent antioxi-

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an antioxidant or
    prooxidant, depending on its concentration.

  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which is greenish-
    yellow, is responsible for the color of whey or
    UF permeate. It cocrystallizes with lactose and is
    responsible for its yellowish color, which may be
    removed by recrystallization or bleached by
    oxidation. Riboflavin acts as a photocatalyst in
    the development of light-oxidized flavor in milk,

which is due to the oxidation of methionine (not
to the oxidation of lipids).


Milk is a very complex fluid. It contains several hun-
dred molecular species, mostly at trace levels. Most
of the microconstituents are derived from blood or
mammary tissue, but most of the macroconstituents
are synthesized in the mammary gland and are milk
specific. The constituents of milk may be present in
true aqueous solution (e.g., lactose and most inorgan-
ic salts), in a colloidal solution (proteins, which may
be present as individual molecules or as large aggre-
gates of several thousand molecules, called micelles),
or as an emulsion (lipids). The macroconstituents can
be fractionated readily and are used as food ingredi-
ents. The natural function of milk is to supply the
neonate with its complete nutritional requirements
for a period (sometimes several months) after birth
and with many physiologically important molecules,
including carrier proteins, protective proteins, and
The properties of milk lipids and proteins may be
readily modified by biological, biochemical, chemi-
cal, or physical means and thus converted into novel
dairy products.
In this chapter, the chemical and physicochemical
properties of milk sugar (lactose), lipids, proteins,
and inorganic salts are discussed. The technology

Table 19.4.Typical Concentrations of Vitamins in Milk and Proportion of RDA Supplied by 1 L

Vitamin Average Level in 1 L Milk % RDA in 1 L Milk

A 380 retional equivalents 38
B 1 (thiamine) 0.4 mg 33
B 2 (riboflavin) 1.8 mg 139
B 3 (niacin) 9.0 niacin equivalents 53
B 5 (pantothenic acid) 3.5 mg 70
B 6 (pyridoxine) 0.5 mg 39
B 7 (biotin) 30 g 100
B 11 (folic acid) 50 g1 3
B 12 (cobalamin) 4 g 167
C 15 mg 25
D 0.5 g1 0
E 1 mg 10
K 35 mg 44

Source:Adapted from Schaafma 2002.

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