Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
20 Biochemistry of Milk Processing 465

(e.g., junket or Burgos cheese), but most is ripened
(matured) for a period ranging from about 2 weeks
(mozzarella) to 2 years (Parmegianno-Reggiano,
extra-mature Cheddar), during which the character-
istic flavor, texture, and functionality of the cheese
develop. The principal changes in cheese during rip-
ening are listed in Table 20.4.
Ripening is a very complex biochemical process,
catalyzed by coagulants, indigenous milk enzymes,
starter LAB and their enzymes, nonstarter LAB, sec-
ondary cultures, and exogenous enzymes:

  • Coagulant: Depending on the coagulant used, the
    pH of the curd at whey drainage, the temperature
    to which the curds are cooked and the moisture
    content of the curds, 0–30% of the rennet added
    to the milk is retained in the curd.

  • Indigenous milk enzymes: These are particularly
    important in raw-milk cheese, but many
    indigenous enzymes are sufficiently heat stable
    to withstand HTST pasteurization. Important
    indigenous enzymes include plasmin, xanthine
    oxidase, acid phosphatase, and in raw-milk
    cheese, lipoprotein lipase. Information on the
    significance of other indigenous enzymes is

  • Starter LAB and their enzymes: These reach
    maximum numbers ( 109 cfu/g) at the end of

curd manufacture (6–12 hours). They then die
and lyse at strain-dependent rates, releasing their
intracellular enzymes.

  • Non-starter LAB (NSLAB): These are
    adventitious LAB that contaminate the cheese
    milk at farm and/or factory. Traditionally, cheese
    makers relied on NSLAB for acid production
    during curd manufacture; this is still the case
    with some minor artisanal varieties, but starter
    LAB are now used in all factory and most
    artisanal cheese-making operations. Most
    NSLAB are killed by HTST pasteurization, and
    curd made from good quality pasteurized milk in
    modern enclosed equipment has only a few
    hundred NSLAB, mainly mesophilic lactobacilli,
    per gram at the start of ripening. However, they
    grow at a rate dependent mainly on the
    temperature to 10^7 –10^8 cfu/g within about 3
    months. In cheese made from raw milk, the
    NSLAB microflora is more diverse and reaches a
    higher number than in cheese made from
    pasteurized milk; the difference is probably
    mainly responsible for the more intense flavor of
    the former compared with that of the latter. This
    situation applies to all cheese varieties that have
    been investigated, and the NSLAB dominate the
    viable microflora of cheese ripened for  2

Table 20.4.Changes in Cheese during Ripening

Softening of the texture. Due to

  • Proteolysis of the protein matrix, the continuous solid phase in cheese

  • Increase in pH due to the catabolism of lactic acid and/or production of NH 3 from amino acids

  • Migration of Ca to the surface in some cheeses, e.g., Camembert
    Decrease in water activity. Due to

  • Uptake of NaCl

  • Loss of water through evaporation

  • Production of low molecular weight compounds

  • Binding of water to newly formed charged groups, e.g., NH 4 or COO-
    Changes in appearance. Examples:

  • Mold growth

  • Color, due to growth of B. linens

  • Formation of eyes
    Flavor development. Due to

  • Formation of numerous sapid and aromatic compounds, as discussed above

  • Release of flavorful compounds from the cheese matrix due to proteolysis
    Changes in functionality, e.g., meltability, stretchability, water-binding properties, Maillard browning, and
    browning. Due to

  • Proteolysis

  • Catabolism of lactose

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