Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
Index 747

water-unextractable, 570–573, 579, 584
Arctic capelin, 393
Arginine kinase, 381
Arginine phosphate, 381
Aroma, 320, 328, 331, 624, 650, 653, 656, 667–668, 671.
See alsoFlavor
Arrhenius equation, 166, 189
Arrowtooth flounder, 393
Artificial chromosomes, 191–192
Ascorbic acid, 37–40, 71, 76–77, 85–88, 324, 330, 643
browning, 85–88
dehydroascorbate (DHA), 39
dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), 39–40
monodehydroascorbate (MDHA), 39
monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), 39
Ascorbic oxidase, 87
Ash content, 29
Ashing, 29
Asparagine, 82–83
Aspartic acid, 629
Aspartic protease, 575, 579–580
Aspergillus, 691, 698
Astrovirus, 698
ATF1gene, 669
ATF2gene, 669
Atomic absorption spectroscopy, 30
Atomic emision spectroscopy, 30
ATP, 263. See alsoAdenosine-5-triphosphate,
ATPase, 382, 384
Autolysis, 392
Autoradiography 169–170
Available lysine, 82, 556–557
Ayu, 388–389

Baccalao, 386
Bacillus cereus,693, 697
Bacillus, 732
Bacteriocins, 651
Baking, 82–83, 615–636
Banana leaf extract, 77
Base, 117
base dissociation constant, Kb, 117
strong base, 117–118
weak base, 117
Basement membrane, 387
Basic reactions, 72
calcium alginate, 677
calcium pectate, 667
ceramic, 678
dEAE-cellulose, 675–676, 678
porous glass, 675
Beano™, 4, 21

Beer, 82
alcohol-free, 676
bitterness, 673
body, 672–673
brewing process, 660–661
color, 672
fermentation, 659
filtration, 661, 663
flavor, 666
green, 662, 675
history, 659
low-alcohol, 676
malt, 676
packaging, 661, 663
stabilization, 661, 663
Beer-Lambert law, 168–169
Beer’s law, 26
Beet root, 82
Beneficial organisms, 691
Beta-galactosidase, 276
genetic engineering, 280
Betaines, 31
Beyer, P., 37
Bifidobacteria, 612
Binary vector, 38–39, 41–43, 45
Binding affinity, 186, 197
Binding energy, 158
Binding site, 182, 185, 190, 199–200
Bioassays, 30
Biochemical changes in food, 1
carbohydrates, 5
flavors, 15
lipids, 12
proteins and amino acids, 8
Biochemical changes in pigments, 363–364
degradation, 15
during handling, storage and processing, 363
heme pigments
carotenoids, 364–365
epithelial pigments, 364
hemocyanin, 363–364
hemoglobin, 363–364
melaninosis, 365
metmyoglobin, 364
myoglobin, 363–364
synthesis, 15
Biochemistry of, 104
amino acid, 118
carbohydrate, 124
food, 1
lipid, 122
protein, 124
Bioflavors, 54
Biogenic amines. SeeAmines
Biolistic transformation, 36, 44

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