Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
Index 761

Nitrate, 324, 330, 643, 646, 650. See alsoNitrite
Nitric oxide myoglobin, 652
Nitrite, 324, 330, 642–643, 646, 650–652
NMR, 156
Noncompetitive inhibition, 160
Nonenzymatic browning, 71, 78–91
Nonprotein nitrogenous (NPN) compounds, 358
amount in different species, 358
amount in red meat, 358
amount in white meat, 358
components, 358
degradation, 358
total volatile base, 359
Non-starch polysaccharides, 568, 570
Northern sausages, 641
Norwalk/Norwalk-like viruses, 698,699
Nucellar epidermis, 568
Nuclease, 393
Nucleation, 109
Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA), 26
Nucleoside phosphorylase, 383
Nucleosides, 300–304, 325–326, 653–654
Nucleotidase, 383
Nucleotides, 300–304, 310, 325–326, 381, 383, 384, 386,
Nutrition, 585
dietary fiber, 585–586
Nuts 82
N--benzoylarginine-p-nitroanilide (BAPA), 579

Octene-3-ol, 623
Oil sardine, 390
Omega-3 fatty acid, 353, 356, 360
Onion juice, 77
Onion oil, 77
Organic acids, 491
biosynthesis, 670
Organic solvent extraction, 27
Osmolyte, 381
Osmotic stress, 622
Oxalic acid, 74
Oxidation of diphenol, 72–73
Oxidation, 306–307, 655–656
Oxidative enzymes, 4, 319–320
Oxidized lipids, 88–90
Oxidoreductases, 176, 201
Oxygen, 263, 665, 673
Oxygen-scavenging film; 88
Oxygen-sensing methods, 171
Oxyresveratrol, 77

Pacific rockfish, 388
Pacific whiting, 391, 393

Pancreatic elastase, 12
Pandoro, 626
Panettone, 626
Papain, 10, 12
Papaya latex extract, 77
Paper chromatography, 169
Parasite, 697
mucor, 691
Particle size distribution, 280, 281
Pasta, 82–83
Pasteurization 76, 82, 599, 606, 608–609
Pathogen detection methods, 57–61
digoxygenin-ELISA (DIG-ELISA), 59
PCR, 58
protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA), 61–62
Pathogens, 651, 691
P-cyclodextrin, 75
PE, 90–91
Pectate lyase, 277
Pectic enzymes, 4, 5, 271
Pectic substances, 271, 273
Pectin network, 271
Pectinmethylesterase, 276
food processing, 279
genetic engineering, 278, 279
high pressure inactivation, 284
thermal inactivation, 283
Pelagic fish, 17, 352–353
Penicillium, 606, 691, 698
Pentanedione, 671, 675
Pentosans, 616, 625, 660
Pentose phosphate pathway, 501
Pentosidine, 226, 232
Pepsin, 392, 598
Pepsins, 10
Peptidase, 306, 317–318, 320–325, 618, 629
Peptide bond, 176–179, 212
Peptide mass fingerprinting, 403, 405–406
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, 405
tandem mass spectrometry, 406
Peptides, 72, 76–78, 88, 295, 297, 317–318, 322, 653–

  1. See alsoProteolysis
    bitter, 605
    Perfringolysin (PLO), 716
    Pericarp, 568, 571, 578
    Perimysium, 386, 387
    Peroxide, 651
    pH, 165, 325, 598, 605
    pH and pOH, 117
    Phagemids, 191
    Phase diagram, 109, 111, 113–114, 128
    state diagram, 128
    two-component system, 128
    Phenol oxidase, 365

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