Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
768 Index

Urease, 4, 18, 358–359
dried, 371
epithelial discoloration, 364
ommochromes, 364
Uric acid, 383

Van der Waals, 179, 182, 208
Vectors, 191, 192
ori, 191
polylinker, 191, 192
promoter, 191, 192, 195, 196
selection marker, 191–193
terminator, 192
Vegetables, processing, 527–554
Vibrio, 695
cholerae, 695
cholerae, 707
paraheamolyticus, 697
vulnificus, 699
vulnifus, 707
Vicinal diketones, 670, 671, 672, 673, 675
biosynthesis, 670
Viruses, 698, 699
Viscera, 392, 393
Viscosity, 570, 572, 573, 574, 583, 584
tomato products, 278, 279, 280, 282, 286
Vitamin analysis, 30
AOAC International Official Methods, 31
bioassays, 30
calorimetric assays, 30
colorimetric assays, 30
fat soluble vitamins, 30
fluorescent assays, 30
gas chromatography, 31
high performance liquid chromatography, 30–31
reverse-phase chromatography, 30
water soluble vitamins, 30
Vitamin, 125
fat-soluble vitamin, 126
vitamin B complex, 126
vitamin C, 126
vitamin E, 307
water-soluble vitamin, 126
VITEK system, 718
Vmax, 161
Volatile compounds, 78, 80, 629–630. See alsoFlavor

Water activity (aw), 80–81, 111, 126–127, 130, 323, 329,
332, 643, 648–651, 656
absorption and desorption of water, 127
drying food, 130
growth of microorganism, 127

of dry food, 127
relative vapor pressure, 126
Water, 103
bond water, 126, 127
chemical bonding, 105
cluster, 108
compound water, 104
critical pressure, 113
critical temperature, 109, 113
density, 112
dimer, 108
food chemistry of, 126
free water, 126
hard water, 121
heat of formation, 104
holding capacity, 300, 310–311
hydrogen bond, 108, 112
ice Ih, 110
interaction with microwave, 129
liquid, 109
loosely bond water, 127
molecular structure, 105
origin of life, 104
phase transition, 109, 111, 113
polarity, 104
properties of liquid H 2 O, 109, 112
resources, 131
self ionization of water, 115
solid, 109
subcritical water, 113
supercritical water, 113–114
triple point, 109, 114
vapor, 106
Wheat gliadin, 575–577
Wheat glutenin, 576–577
HMW-glutenin subunits, 576–577
LMW-glutenin subunits, 576–577
Wheat, 615–36
Whey, 602, 604
processing, 466–468
proteins, 596, 609
White croaker, 389
White muscle, 381, 382, 385, 386, 389, 390
Whole-meal, 571, 580, 581, 582, 585
Woodchips, 678
Wort, 660, 661, 662
aeration, 661, 662
aldehydes, 676
boiling, 661, 662
carbohydrates, 660, 664
clarification, 661, 662
cooling, 661, 662
fermentation, 665
high-gravity, 661

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