Leadership and Management in China: Philosophies, Theories, and Practices

(Jacob Rumans) #1

(aBC) and Type 1 Authentic (ABC) leaders would be viewed as more
satisfactory and trustworthy than would the other types. Type 5
Selfless benefactor leaders were similar to servant leaders (Spears,
1998 ), who lead by being good role models, caring about followers’
well-being, and exercising restraint in using formal authority. Type 1
Authentic leaders fit our definition of PL tightly. The congruence
between Chinese cultural values and leadership behavior argues for
its acceptance and perceived effectiveness (cf. House, Wright, and
Aditya, 1997 ). Because we had only a few cases in the four PL types
involving low moral leadership, we collapsed them into one group,
treating them as a residual group for comparison. We first conducted
a one-way ANOVA to see if followers’ satisfaction and trust in the
leader varied significantly across PL types. We then performed paired
t-tests to identify between-group differences. The results are shown in
Table 6.2.

Table 6.2.Means of trust in supervisor and satisfaction with supervision
across paternalistic leader types.

Paternalistic leader type

School sample Conglomerate sample
Trust in


Trust in


Type 1 Authentic (ABC) 4.61a 4.40a 4.51a 80.18bc
Type 3 Disciplinarian

3.60b 3.16b 3.74b 63.38a

Type 5 Selfless benefactor

4.90a 4.92c 4.79c 81.94b

Type 7 Ideological (abC) 3.95b 3.94ad 4.16d 75.11c
Residual group including
Type 2 (ABc), Type 4
(Abc), Type 6 (aBc),
and Type 8 (abc)

3.95b 3.85d 3.11e 51.29d

Fvalue 46.03 53.47 90.64 56.26

Within each column, two means having different superscripts were significantly
different atp<.05; two means sharing a common superscript were not significantly

190 Jiing-lih Farhet al.

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