Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. ]maa nao iktaba pZ,I.
    uma: ne kita:b parhi:.
    Uma-erg book-fs read-fs
    Uma read a book.

  2. Amar nao AK,baar K,rIda.
    amar ne axba:r xari:da:.
    Amar-erg newspaper-ms bought-ms
    Amar bought a newspaper.

Some transitive verbs are derived from intransitives by certain
vocalic changes to the verb roots.

Intransitive Transitive
mar mar die maar ma:r kill
Cp chap be printed Cap cha:p print
kT kat be cut kaT ka:t cut
igar gir fall igara gira: fell
ipsa pis be ground pIsa pi:s grind
baMd bandh be tied baaMd ba:ndh tie
Kula khul be open Kaola khol open
]z uth rise ]za utha: raise
jaga jag wake up jagaa jaga: awaken
fOla ph ́l stretch fOlaa ph ́la: spread

idK dikh be able to see doK dekh see
bana ban be made banaa bana: make
GaUma ghu:m go round GaUmanaa ghuma: turn round
daOD, dør run daOD,a døra: make x race

In certain cases besides vocalic changes, some consonantal changes
also take place.

Intransitive Transitive
TUT tu:t break taoD, tor break
ibak bik be sold baoca bec sell
fT phat be torn faD, pha:r tear
saao so: be asleep saulaa sula: to make x to sleep
bana ban be made banaa bana: to make

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