Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


21a. Aap iksaI BaI kao baulaa[e.
a:p kisi: bhi: ko bula:yie.

The use of the particle BaI bhi: with the indefinite pronouns kao[- koyi:
and kuC kuch, represent different meanings: kao[- BaI koyi: bhi: ‘anyone,’
kuC BaI kuch bhi: ‘anything.’

  1. Aap jaao BaI kama krnaa caahto hOM ̧ kr laIijae.
    a:p jo bhi: ka:m karna: cahte h ́~, kar li:jiye.
    you any part work want is do take
    Whatever work you want to do, go ahead.

  2. jaba BaI Aap Aato hOM ̧ iktaba saaqa lao Aato hOM.
    jab bhi: a:p a:te h ́~, kita:b sa:th le a:te h ́~.
    when part you come are book with bring past aux
    Whenever you come, bring your book with you.

  3. vah Aaap jaOsaa BaI nahIM hO.
    vah a:p j ́sa: bhi: nahĩ: h ́~.
    he you like part neg is
    ‘He is not even like you.’

  4. Aap ijatnaa BaI pOsaa do sakto hOM ̧ do dIijae.
    a:p jitna: bhi: p ́sa: de sakte h ́~, de di:jiye.
    you as much part money give can give-pl
    Whatever money you can give, please give it.

In the oblique case, the particle BaI bhi: is placed after the

  1. ijasakao/ijanakao BaI jaanaa h ̧O jaaAao/ calao jaaeÐ.
    jisko/jinko bhi: ja:na h ́, ja:o/cale ja:yẽ.
    who-dat part go-inf. is go go-subj
    Whosoever has to go may leave.

The use of the particle BaI bhi: with relative pronouns represents
different meanings: jaao BaI jo bhi: ‘whosoever’ or ‘whatsoever,’ jaba BaI
jab bhi: ‘whenever,’ ijatnaa BaI jitna: bhi: ‘whatever.’

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