Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. maOM kla Gar sao Aa}MÐgaa.
    m ́~ kal ghar se a:ũ:ga:.
    I tomorrow home from come-fut
    I’ll come from home tomorrow.

  2. saoba caakU sao kaTao.
    seb ca:ku: se ka:to.
    apple knife with cut
    Cut the apple with the knife.

Adverbials may precede or follow the direct object depending on the
emphasis given to it in the sentence. Compare the examples (10-13)
with (10a-13a).

10a. savaoro vah jaldI dF,tr jaata hO.
savere vah jaldi: daftar ja:ta: h ́.

11a. dIvaar pr yah tsvaIr TaMÐgaao.
di:va:r par yeh tasvi:r tã:go.

12a. Gar sao maOM kla Aa}Ðgaa.
ghar se m ́~ kal aũ:ga:.

13a. caakU sao saoba kaTao.
ca:ku: se seb ka:to.

Certain adverbs of degree and derived adverbs with j ́sa: like can
sometimes serve as adverbial modifiers of an adverb.

  1. toja, daOD,.
    tez dør
    fast run
    Run fast.

14a. baccaaoM jaOsaI toja, daOD,
baccõ j ́si: tez dør
children-obl like fast run
as fast as children run

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