Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Non-finite subordinate clauses are structurally quite distinct from the
main clauses. They are marked by (i) verb modification, (ii) lack of
agreement, and (iii) word order. The subordinate verb undergoes a
process of verbal participation or infinitivization/gerundivization.
The subordinate verb does not agree with subject and/or object in
number and gender and is not marked for tense.

Participle subordinate verb

  1. vah icallaato hue inaklaa.
    vah cilla:te hue nikla:.
    he shriek-ptc left
    He left shrieking.

The infinitive subordinate clause with an adverbial phrase can be put
in the initial position.

  1. maora vaaipsa Aanaa maumaikna nahIM.
    mera: va:pas a:na: mumkin nahĩ:.
    my return come-inf possible neg
    It is not possible for me to come back.

  2. maSaIna cala rhI qaI.
    maši:n cal rahi: thi:.
    machine move prog was
    The machine was working.

4a. vah calatI maSaIna kao doK rha qaa.
vah calti: maši:n (ko) dekh raha: tha:.
he running machine-dat see-prog was
He was watching the running machine.

4b. vah maSaIna cala rhI qaI doK rha qaa
vah maši:n cal rahi: thi: dekh raha: tha:.

4.2.2. Noun Clauses

Noun clauses are of two types: finite and non-finite.

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