Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. vah pZ,a - ilaKa laD,ka hO.
    vah parha: - likha: larka: h ́.
    he read-past-ms write-past-ms boy is
    He is a literate boy.

17a. vah pZI - ilaKI laD,kI hO.
vah parhi: - likhi: larki: thi:.
she read-past-fs write- past-fs girl was
She was a literate girl.

17b. pZ,nao ilaKnao vaalaa laD,ka samaya baba-ad nahIM krta.
parhne likhne va:la: larka: samay barba:d nahĩ: karta:.
read-inf-obl write-inf-obl gen boy time waste neg do-ptc
The boy who studies does not waste time.

Notice that participial forms remain unaltered in the present and past
participles. It is the auxiliary which takes person, gender, number,
and tense markers. The participial forms agree with the following
nouns in number and gender.

Masculine Feminine
Sg Pl Sg Pl
ka ka: ko ke kI ki: kI ki:

  1. ]saka ]maa kao kla yah khnaa AcCa nahIM qaa.
    uska: uma: ko kal yeh kahna: accha: nahĩ: tha:.
    he-gen Uma-dat yesterday this say-inf good neg was
    His telling this to Uma yesterday was not proper.

The word order of non-finite noun clauses remains unchanged. The
focus-related movements to the left of the non-finite verb yield well-
formed sentences. Examples of various movements of non-finite
noun clauses are given as follows:

Leftward movements of indirect objects
18a. ]maa kao ]saka kla yah khnaa AcCa nahIM qaa.
uma: ko uska: kal yah kahna: accha: nahĩ: tha:.
Uma-dat his yesterday this say-inf good neg was
His telling this to Uma yesterday was not proper.

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