Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Relative clause:
laD,ka idllaI maoM rhta hOO.
larka: dilli: mẽ rahta: h ́.
The boy lives in Delhi.

Here the relative clause takes the relative pronoun jaao jo, whereas the
correlative clause takes the correlative pronoun vah vah. When the
relative clause precedes the main clause it results in the sentence

1a. [jaao laD,ka idllaI maoM rhta hO] vah laD,ka maora Baa[- hO.
[jo larka: dilli mẽ rahta: h ́] vah larka: mera: bha:i: h ́.

The second occurrence of laD,ka larka: is deleted to yield sentence
(1b). There are two other possibilities for relative clauses: (i) the
relative clause may follow the head noun phrase (1b), and (ii) the
relative clause may follow the correlative clause (1c).

1b. vah laD,ka [jaao idllaI maoM rhta hO] maora Baa[- hO.
vah larka: [jo dilli: mẽ rahta: h ́] mera: bha:i: h ́.

1c. vah laD,ka maora Baa[- hO [jaao idllaI maoM rhta hO].
vah larka: mera: bha:i: h ́ [jo dilli: mẽ rahta: h ́].

Notice that the participial relative clause is formed by (i) deleting
the relativized noun phrase, and (ii) changing the verb into a
participial form by adding the suffix -ta -ta: for the present participle
and -nao vaalaa -ne va:la: for the agentive participle. Restrictive and Non-restrictive Clauses

The restrictive relative clauses allow three possible word orders as
given above (1a-1c). The non-restrictive relative clauses are those
where some extra but relevant information is provided about the
antecedent head noun. They allow only one word order in which the
additional information follows the head noun.

  1. naoh$ [jaao Baart ko phlao p`QaanamaM~I qao]
    nehru: [jo bha:rat ke pradha:n mantri: the]
    Nehru who India-gen first prime minister was

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