Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


[lhabaad maoM janmao.
ilha:ba:d mẽ janme.
Allahabad in born
Nehru, who was the first prime minister of India, was born at

2a. naoh$ janmao [lhabaad maoM [jaao Baart ko phlao p`QaanamaM~I qao]
nehru: janme ilha:ba:d mẽ [jo bha:rat ke pahle pradha:n
mantri: the].

2b. [jaao Baart ko phlao p`QaanamaM~I qao] vao naoh$ [lahabad maoM janmao.
[jo bha:rat ke pahle pradha:n mantri: the] ve nehru:
illha:ba:d mẽ janme.
There are no word order differences between a restrictive and
a non-restrictive participial relative clause.

  1. [Ø idllaI maoM rhnao vaalaa laD,ka] maora Baa[- hO.

[Ø dilli: mẽ rahne va:la: larka:] mera: bha:i: h ́.

Delhi in live-inf-obl gen boy my brother is
The boy who lives in Delhi is my brother.

  1. [lhabaad maoM janma laonao vaalao naoh$ Baart ko phlao p`QaanamaM~I qao.
    ilha:ba:d mẽ janm lene va:le nehru: bha:rat ke pahle
    pradha:n mantri: the.
    Born at Allahabad, Nehru was the first prime minister of

The relative clause may precede or follow the head noun. The non-
restrictive relative clause always follows the head noun. In general,
the participial relative clauses precede the head noun.

The form of the relativized element in the relative clause
corresponding to the head noun (i.e., the relativized element) is
usually preserved in full when the relative clause precedes the main
clause. Alternately, it is deleted. It is pronominalized when the head
is a pronoun.

  1. vah [jaao maohnat krta hO ] ]nnait krta hO.
    vah [jo mehnat karta: h ́ ] unnati: karta: h ́.
    He who hard work do-pr is progress do-pr is
    He who works hard progresses.

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