Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Here the second occurrence of the identical noun phrase is
nominalized. The antecedent noun phrase may undergo deletion too,
as in sentence (6).

  1. [jaao idllaI maoM rhta hO] vah laD,ka maora Baa[- hO.
    [jo dilli: mẽ rahta: h ́] vah larka: mera: bha:i: h ́.
    Who Delhi in stay is he boy my brother is
    The boy who lives in Delhi is my brother.

The original position of the relativized element usually remains
unchanged. In case the relative constituent is placed in the beginning
of the clause, the effect is that of contrastive focus.

  1. maOMnao vah laoK pZ,a [jaao sairta nao ilaKa hO.]
    m ́~ne vah lekh parha: [jo sarita: ne likha: h ́].
    I-erg that essay read which Sarita-erg write is
    I read the essay which was written by Salim.

The place of the relativized direct object is usually in the preverbal
position. The placement of the relativized object NP to the relative
clause initial position indicates focus on the relativized NP. The
relativized adverbials and indirect objects can undergo similar

7a. [maOMnao vah laoK pZ,a] jaao sairta nao ilaKa hO.
[m ́~ne vah lekh parha:] jo sarita: ne likha: h ́.
I-erg that essay read which Salim-erg wrote is
I read the essay which Sarita wrote.

If the relative clause occurs to the left of the main clause, the
relativized element can be placed in the sentence initial position.

7b. [jaao laoK sairta nao ilaKa hO] maOMnao pZ,a vah.
[jo lekh sarita: ne likha: h ́] m ́~ne parha: vah.
which essay sarita-erg wrote I read that
I read the essay which was written by Sarita.

In the third order, the relative clause follows immediately after the
head NP.

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