Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


7c. maOMnao pZ,a vah laoK jaao sairta nao ilaKa hO.
m ́~ne parha: vah lekh jo sarita: ne likha: h ́.
I read that write which Sarita-erg wrote is
I read the essay written by Sarita.

In a headless relative clause, the relative clause cannot be placed
immediately after the head NP.

  1. [raja nao jaao saunaa] maOMnao saunaa nahIM.
    [ra:j ne jo suna:] m ́~ne suna: nahĩ:.
    Raj-erg rel heard I-erg hear not
    I didnt hear what Raj heard.

However, it is possible to place the relative clause to the right of the
main clause.

8a. maOMnao saunaa nahIM [jaao raja nao saunaa.]
m ́~ne suna: nahĩ: [jo ra:j ne suna:.].
I didnt hear what Raj heard.

All the constituents of a main clause except the verb can be
relativized in a finite relative clause.

Relativization of subject

  1. vah AadmaI [jaao Ø Aayaa:]

vah a:dmi: [jo Ø a:ya:]
cor person rel came
the person who came

Relativization of direct object

  1. vah AadmaI [ijasao Ø maOM yahaM laayaa:]

vah a:dmi: [jise Ø m ́~ yahã: la:ya:]
cor person rel I here brought
the person whom I brought here

Relativization of indirect object

  1. vah AadmaI [ijasao Ø maOMnao iktaba dI]

vah a:dmi: [jise Ø m ́~ne kita:b di:]
cor person rel I-erg watch gave
the person who I gave the book

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