Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Relativization of subordinate indirect object

  1. vah laD,ka [ ijasao Ø [maaohna nao kha ik rajaa nao iktaba dI]] Aayaa.

vah larka:[jiseØ[mohan ne kaha: ki ra:ja: ne kita:b di:]a:ya:.
rel boy cor Mohan-erg said that Raja-erg book gave
The boy that Mohan said Raja gave a book to came.

Relativization of object of a postpositional adverbial phrase

  1. vah kalaoja [ ijasa Ø maoM [AjaIt nao kha [ik ]maa

vah ka:lej [jis Ø mẽ [aji:t ne kaha: [ki uma:
rel college cor in Ajit-erg said that
kama kr rhI hO]]] CaoTa hO.
ka:m kar rahi: h ́]]] chota: h ́.
Uma work do-ing is small is
The college that Ajit said Uma works at is small.

Relativization of object of comparison in subordinate clause

  1. vah makana [ ijasa Ø sao [AjaIt nao kha [ik maora makana

vah maka:n [jis Ø se [aji:t ne kaha: [ki mera: maka:n
rel house cor than Ajit-erg said that
baD,a hO]]] dUr nahIM hO.
bara: h ́]]] du:r nahĩ: h ́.
my office is big is far not is
The house that Ajit said that my house is bigger than it is not
far way. Non-finite Relative Clauses

Participial/non-finite relative clauses allow the subject and the direct
object constituent to undergo the process of relativization. However,
the indirect object etc. cannot undergo relativization.

Relativization of subject

  1. [ Ø baZ,ta (huAa) ] baccaa

[Ø barhta: (hua:)] bacca:
grow-pst-ms (part.) child
the growing child

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