Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. [ Ø pZ,nao ilaKnao vaalaa ] laD,ka

[Ø parhne likhne va:la:] larka:
read-inf-obl write-inf-obl gen boy
the boy who is studying (Lit. the studying boy)

Relativization of direct object

  1. []sakI K,rIdI hu[- ] iktaba
    [uski: xari:di: hui:] kita:b
    his buy-pst-fs book
    the book bought by him

Indirect object

  1. *[ Ø iktaba dI hu[- ] laD,kI

*[Ø kita:b di: hui:] larki:
the girl to whom the book is given

Any constituent of a subordinate relative clause, except the verbs,
can be relativized. Finite Relative Clauses

In finite relative clause modifiers, the possessor elements of the
noun phrase can be subjected to further relativization. Also any
constituent of a relative clause can be subjected to further

Relativization of possessor

  1. vah Da@Tr [ijasaka maaohna dvaa[- Kata hO] AcCa nahIM hO.
    vah da:ktar [jiska: mohan dava:i: kha:ta: h ́] accha: nahĩ: h ́.
    rel doctor cor-poss Mohan medicine eating is good neg is
    The doctor whose (prescribed) medicine Mohan is taking is
    not good.

Relativization of modifier

  1. yah dUQa ]tnaa gama- nahIM hO ijatnaa (gama-) maOM caahta qaa.
    yeh du:dh utna: garm nahĩ: h ́ jitna: (garm) m ́~ ca:hta: tha:.
    this milk rel hot neg is cor hot I wanted
    This milk is not as hot as I wanted.

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