Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Relativization of a constituent of a relative clause

  1. vah maoja, [ jaao Ø [mauJao pta qaa [ik Aapnao K,rIda]

vah mez [jo Ø [mujhe pata: tha: [ki a:pne xari:da:]
that table cor I know was that you-erg bought
]tnaa baD,a nahIM hO ijatnaa maora hO.
utna: bara: nahĩ: h ́ jitna: mera: h ́.
rel big neg is cor mine is
The table that I know you bought is not as big as mine.

The participialization, however, does not allow relativization of any
constituent of a relative clause.

The noun phrases in postpositional phrases can be relativized by the
finite relativization strategy. The constituents within coordinate
noun phrases can be relativized.

  1. vah laD,ka [ jaao Ø maoro Baa[- ka daost hO] caalaak hO.

vah larka: [jo Ø mere bha:i: ka: dost h ́] ca:la:k h ́.
cor boy rel my brother of friend is clever is
The boy who is a friend of my brother is clever.

Elements within coordinate verb phrases and coordinate sentences
can also be relativized. In (29) an element of the first conjunct of a
coordinate verb phrase is conjoined.

  1. vah laoK [ jaao Ø maOMnao pZ,a AaOr p~ ilaKa] AcCa hO.

vah lekh [jo Ø ́~ne parha: r patr likha:] accha: h ́.
cor article rel I-erg read and letter wrote good is
The article which I read and wrote a letter about is good.

This sentence can be interpreted as the joining of two actions in
which the first stimulates the second one. The two actions, thus
joined, are not independent of each other. In (30) an element of the
second conjunct of a coordinate verb phrase is relativized.

  1. maOMnao laoK pZ,a AaOr jaao p~ ilaKa vah AcCa hO.
    m ́~ne lekh parha: ør jo patr likha: vah accha: h ́.
    I-erg article read and cor letter wrote rel good is
    I read an article and the wrote a good letter about it.

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