Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


This sentence can be interpreted as the joining of two actions in
which the meaning after doing one thing the second one is done is
implied. Therefore it appears like a participial construction. The
preferred version will be (30a).

30a. laoK pZ,kr jaao p~ maOMnao ilaKa vah AcCa hO.
lekh parhkar jo patr m ́~ne likha: vah accha: h ́.
article read-cp cor letter I-erg wrote rel good is
After reading the article, I wrote a good letter about it.

The relativization of the first or second conjunct elements of a
coordinate sentence result in ill-formed sentences.

  1. vah laoK [ jaao maOMnao pZ,a AaOr maaohna nao p~ ilaKa] AcCa hO.
    vah lekh jo m ́~ne parha: ør mohan ne patr likha: accha: h ́.
    *The essay which I read and Mohan wrote a letter is good.

31a. maOMnaO laoK pZ,a AaOr maaohna nao jaao p~ ilaKa vah AcCa hO.
m ́~ne lekh parha: ør mohan ne jo patr likha: vah accha: h ́.
*I read the essay and the letter which Mohan wrote is good.

The order of pre-sentential and post-sentential positions of relative
with reference to a correlative clause, also yield well-formed

  1. [ jaao Ø maOMnao pZ,a AaOr p~ ilaKa] vah laoK AcCa hO.

[jo Ø m ́~ne parha: ør patr likha:] vah lekh accha: h ́.
which I-erg read and letter wrote rel essay good is
The essay which I read, and wrote a letter about is good.

32a. vah laoK AcCa hO [jaao Ø maOMnao pZ,a AaOr p~ ilaKa.]

vah lekh accha: h ́ [jo Ø m ́~ne parha: ør patr likha:].
he write good is which I read and letter write
That essay is good which I read and wrote a letter about.

Notice that a conjunct intervening between a relative and a
correlative clause is less preferred. Therefore, sentence (32a) more
preferred than (32). The relativized element can be moved within the
constituents and sometimes to the initial position for the
consideration of focus.

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