Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Mostly the relative clauses favor the finite relativization strategy.
The participilization strategy, which is non-finite in nature, is
subject to various syntactic and semantic constraints as pointed out

4.2.4. Adverbial Clauses

Adverbial clauses are marked by (a) the finite form of the verb, or
(b) the non-finite form of the verb. Finite adverbial clauses can be
placed in pre-sentential as well as post-sentential position. The
unmarked order of a nonfinite adverbial clause is at the pre-verbal or
post-verbal position. There are time, manner, purpose, cause,
condition, concession, and degree adverbial clauses. Adverbial Clauses of Time

There are three kinds of the adverbial clauses: (a) finite clauses with
relative clauses like time markers such as yaid yedi ‘if’, (b) participial
(non-finite) adverbial constructions, and (c) the infinitival

(a) Finite clauses with relative clause time markers

Some of the adverbial markers in this category are jaba jab ‘when’, jaba
sao jab se ‘since’, and jyaaoMhI jyõhi: ‘as soon as’.

  1. jaba vah Aaegaa maOMo BaI Aa}Ðgaa.
    jab vah a:yega: m ́~ bhi: a:ũ:ga:.
    when he come-fut I too come-fut
    When he comes, I’ll come too.

  2. jaba maOM jaata hUÐ (tba) vah BaI jaata hO.
    jab m ́~ ja:ta: hũ: (tab) vah bhi: ja:ta: h ́.
    when I go-ptc am (then) he too go-ptc is
    When I go, (then) he goes too.

  3. jabasao vah yahaM Aayaa (tbasao) hma saaqa saaqa kama krto hOM.
    jabse vah yahã: a:ya: (tabse) ham sa:th-sa:th ka:m karte h ́~.
    cor-from he came here rel-from we together work do-ptc are
    Weve worked together since he came here.

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