Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


In sentences (2) and (3), time adverbial clauses are introduced by the
markers jaba jab and jaba sao jab se respectively. Like relative clauses,
they distinguish themselves from question words which begin with k
k. The time clause contains a finite verb with tense aspect
information. The time marker jaba jab denotes a sequence of events
(2) and simultaneous events (3) respectively. It is important to note
that the relative clause time markers jaba jab or jaba sao jab se do not
undergo deletion as do the correlative markers tba tab and tba sao tab

(b) Participial (non-finite) constructions

Four participial constructions, present participle, past participle,
absolutive and the as soon as participle, also act as time adverbials.
The present and past participles agree in gender and number with the
subject of the main clause, whereas the last two do not undergo any
agreement changes.

  1. maaohna daOD,ta Aayaa.
    mohan dørta: a:ya:.
    Mohan run-ptc came
    Mohan came running.

  2. AF,sar nao kusaI- pr baOzkr pUCa
    afsar ne kursi: par b ́thkar pu:cha:
    officer chair on sit-cp asked
    the officer asked, sitting on the chair

  3. Gar phuÐcakr ]sanao TolaIfaona ikyaa.
    ghar pahũckar usne teliphon kiya:.
    home reach-pp she-erg telephone did
    She telephoned after reaching home.

  4. Aato hI ]sanao yah savaala pUCa.
    a:te hi: usne yah sava:l pu:cha:.
    come-emp he-erg this question asked
    As soon as he came, he asked this question.

A present participle expresses an ongoing action or process. It takes
the progressive aspect in the subordinate clause.

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