Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


8a. maaohna ]sa samaya Aayaa ijasa samaya vah daOD, rha qaa.
mohan us samay a:ya: jis samay vah dør raha: tha:.
Mohan at that time came when he run-prog was
Mohan came at the time when he was running.

The participle forms can be reduplicated as in (8b).

8b. maaohna daOD,ta - daOD,ta Aayaa.
mohan dørta: - dørta: a:ya:.
Mohan run-ptc run-ptc came
Mohan came running.

(c) Infinitival construction

A verbal noun followed by phlao pahle ‘before’, baad maoM ba:d mẽ ‘after’,
or pr par ‘on’ results in a time adverbial.

  1. ]sako Aanao sao phlao kao[- nahIM Aaegaa.
    uske a:ne se pahle koi: nahĩ: a:yega:.
    he-gen-obl come-inf-obl before none neg come-fut
    No one will come before he comes.

  2. ]sako jaanao ko baad maOM jaa}Ðgaa.
    uske ja:ne ke ba:d m ́~ ja:ũ:ga:.
    he-gen-obl go-inf-obl after I go-fut
    I’ll go after his departure.

  3. ]sako Aanao pr saaro KuSa hue.
    uske a:ne par sa:re khuš hue.
    he-gen-obl come-inf-obl on all happy became
    All were happy on his coming. Manner Clauses

Manner clauses also employ relative-like and participial
constructions. They are not expressed by infinitival or gerundive
constructions. The relative clause-like manner markers jaOsao vaOsao j ́se -
v ́se ‘as/which way’ indicates the manner reading.

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