Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. jaOsao maOM khUÐgaa vaOsao hI krao.
    j ́se m ́~ kahũ:ga: v ́se hi: karo.
    as-rel I tell-you the same way-cor emp do
    Do as I tell you.

The word order of the relative manner clause and correlative manner
clause can be altered.

12a. vaOsao krao jaOsao maOM khUÐgaa.
v ́se karo j ́se m ́~ kahũ:ga:

The following participial constructions express manner rather than

  1. vah raoto - raoto Aayaa.
    vah rote - rote a:ya:.
    he weep-ptc weep-ptc came
    He came (while) crying.

  2. vah fSa- pr baOzkr raoyaa.
    vah faraš par b ́thkar roya:.
    he floor on sit-cp wept
    He cried sitting on the floor.

  3. vah Sarart ko saaqa baaolaa.
    vah šara:rat ke sa:th bola:.
    he anger-gen with said
    He said with anger.

The negativized participial form is formed by adding -e ibanaa -e bina:.

  1. vah hÐsao ibanaa baaolaa.
    vah hãse bina: bola:.
    he laugh-obl without said
    He said without laughing.

Infinitival constructions also express manner.

  1. ]saka naacanaa mauJao psaMd hO.
    uska: na:cna: mujhe pasand h ́.
    (s)he-gen dance-inf me-dat like is
    I like his/her manner of dancing.

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