Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


6c. yao safod kmaIjaoM, hOM.
ye safed kami:zẽ h ́~.
these white shirts are
These are white shirts.

The copular verb must be retained in both affirmative (positive) as
well as negative sentences. In the case of co-ordinate structures, it is
optionally deleted.

  1. maaohna Da^@Tr hO.
    mohan da:ktar h ́.
    Mohan doctor is
    Mohan is a doctor.

  2. saaohna vakIla nahIM hO.
    sohan vaki:l nahĩ: h ́.
    Sohan lawyer not is
    Sohan is not a lawyer.

  3. maaohna AaOr AjaIt Da^@Tr hOM.
    mohan aur aji:t da:ktar h ́~.
    Mohan and Ajit doctors are
    Mohan and Ajit are doctors.

9a. maaohna Da^@Tr hO AaOr AjaIt BaI.
mohan da:ktar h ́ ør aji:t bhi:.
Mohan doctor is and Ajit too
Mohan is a doctor and so is Ajit.

9b. na maaohna vakIla hO AaOr na AjaIt.
na mohan vaki:l h ́ ør na aji:t.
neg Mohan lawyer is and neg Ajit
Neither Mohan nor Ajit is a lawyer.

The copular verb is used for definition, identity, existence, and role
functions. It is also used as a second member (explicator) in the
compound verb sequences.

  1. Aajakla saUya- jaldI caZ,ta hO.
    a:jkal su:rya jaldi: carhta: h ́.
    nowadays sun quick rise-ptc is
    The sun rises early these days.

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