Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. idna p`it idna halaat sauQar rho hOM.
    din prati din ha:la:t sudhar rahe h ́~.
    day after day situation improve-prog are
    The situation is improving day by day.

  2. Aajakla jaldI AMQaora haota hO.
    a:jkal jaldi: andhera: hota: h ́.
    nowadays early dark be-ptc is
    It becomes dark early (in the evening) these days.

  3. [-Svar hO.
    i:švar h ́.
    God is

  4. Bagavaana Apnaa Apnaa hO.
    bha:gya apna: apna: h ́.
    luck self self is
    One is born with his/her own luck.

  5. sa%ya iCpta nahIM.
    satya chipta: nahĩ:.
    truth hidden neg
    The truth (eventually) comes out. Or
    The truth cannot be hidden.

  6. samaya balavaana hO.
    samay balva:n h ́.
    time strong is
    Time is strong.

The copular verb always takes a complement. In sentence (13) the
complement does not appear at the surface and is understood as
ivaQyamaana vidhyma:n/ maaOjaUd møju:d ‘exists/omnipresent’ and/or hr sqaana har
stha:n/ kNa kNa maoM kan kan mẽ ‘everywhere’.

16a. [-Svar ivaQyamaana/maaOjaUd /hr sqaana pr/ kNa kNa maoM hO.
i:švar vidhyma:n/mauju:d /har stha:n par/kan kan mẽ h ́.
God present/every where particles in is
God exists. Or God is present everywhere.

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