Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


1b. tuma @yaa kla idllaI jaaAaogao?
tum kya: kal dilli: ja:oge?

A declarative sentence can be converted to a neutral yes-no question
without adding any question marker by raising the intonation at the
end of the verb.

A negative declarative sentence is changed to a yes-no question by
adding the negative morpheme before the verb.

  1. tuma kla idllaI jaaAaogao.
    tum kal dilli: nahĩ: ja:oge.
    you tomorrow Delhi neg go-fut
    You won’t go to Delhi tomorrow.

2a. (@yaa) tuma kla idllaI nahIM jaaAaogao?
(kya:) tum kal dilli: nahĩ: ja:oge?
(Q) you tomorrow Delhi neg go-fut
Won’t you go to Delhi tomorrow?

2b. tuma @yaa kla idllaI nahIM jaaAaogao?
tum kya: kal dilli nahĩ: ja:oge?
Aren’t you going to Delhi tomorrow?

A negativized yes-no question invokes multiple answers. Consider
the answers to questions (3) and (4):

  1. tuma yah if,lma nahIM doKaoogao?
    tum yah film nahĩ: dekhoge?
    you this picture neg watch-fut
    Won’t you watch this film?

3a. haÐ ̧ maOM doKUÐgaa (yah if,lma).
hã:, m ́~ dekhũ:ga: (yeh film).
yes I watch-1s-fut (this film).
Yes, I’ll see (this film).

3b. nahIM ̧ maOM doKUÐgaa nahIM (yah if,lma).
nahĩ:, m ́~ dekhũ:ga: nahĩ: (yeh film).
neg I see-fut neg (this film)
No, I won’t watch (this film).

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