Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


3c. haÐ ̧ maOM doKUÐMgaa nahIM.
hã:, m ́~ dekhũ:ga: nahĩ:.
yes, I watch-1s-fut neg
Yes, I won’t watch.

3d. nahIM ̧ maOM doKUÐMgaa.
nahĩ:, m ́~ dekhũ:ga:.
neg I watch-fut
No, I’ll watch.

  1. Aaja sadI- hO naa?
    a:j sardi: h ́ na:?
    today cold is neg-Q
    Isn’t it cold today?

4a. haÐ ̧ Aaja sadI- hO.
hã:, a:j sardi: h ́.
yes today cold is
Yes, it is cold today.

4b. nahIM ̧ Aaja sadI- nahIM hO.
nahĩ:, a:j sardi: nahĩ: h ́.
Neg today cold neg is
No, it isn’t cold today.

4c. haÐ ̧ Aaja sadI- nahIM hO.
hã:, a:j sardi: nahĩ: h ́.
yes today cold neg is
Yes, it isn’t cold today.

4d. nahI ̧M Aaja sadI- nahIM hO.
nahĩ:, a:j sardi: nahĩ: h ́.
neg today cold neg is
No, it isn’t cold today.

In these examples, the (a-b) answers indicate positive-negative and
the (c-d) indicate agreement-disagreement answering systems. The
agreement-disagreement answering systems are less frequently used
than the positive-negative ones.

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