Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. vah phlao/qaaoD,o kama krta hO?
    vah pahle/thore ka:m karta: h ́?
    he ever work is
    Does he ever work?

Alternative questions are formed by adding the expression ik nahIM ki
nahĩ: ‘or not’ at the end of an interrogative yes-no question.

  1. tuma p~ ilaKaogao ik nahIM?
    tum patr likhoge ki nahĩ:?
    you letter write-3s or not
    Will you write a letter or not?

An alternative form of this question will be:

10a. tuma p~ ilaKaogao ik nahIM ilaKaogao?
tum patr likhoge ki nahĩ: likhoge?
you letter write-fut or neg write-fut
Will you write the letter or not? Question-Word Questions

Interrogative sentences with wh- question words are referred to as k-
k-questions in Hindi because question words begin with the k- k-
sound. Question words always occur in the second position of
interrogative sentences. The main question words are @yaa kya: what,
kaOna køn ‘who’, khaÐ kahã: ‘where’, kOsaa k ́sa: how, @yaaoM kyõ ‘why’, iktnaa

kitna: ‘how much’, kba kab ‘when’ and ikQar kidhar ‘in what
direction’. The question word is always stressed.

  1. yah @yaa hO?
    yeh kya: h ́?
    this what is
    What is this?

  2. maaohna khaÐ hO?
    mohan kahã: h ́?
    Mohan where is
    Where is Mohan?

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