yah iktaba iksao/iksa kao donaI hO?
yeh kita:b kise/kis ko deni: h ́?
this book who give-inf-f aux
To whom is this book to be given? Or
Who is this book to be given to?
iksa laD,koo/laD,kI kao jaanaa hO?
kis larke/larki: ko jana: h ́?
who-obl boy-dat/girl-dat go-Inf aux
Which boy/girl has to go?
ikna laD,kaoMoo/laDi,kyaaoM kao Aanaa hO?
kin larkõ/larkiyõ ko a:na: h ́?
who.pl-dat boys-dat/girls-dat come-inf is
Which boys/girls have to come?
vah iksa Sahr/ikna SahraoM sao Aaegaa?
vah kis šahar/kin šahrõ se a:yega:?
he which-abl city-abl/cities-abl from come-3s-fut
Which city/cities will he come from?
yah iksanao /iknhaoMnao saoba Kayaa?
yeh kisne/kinhõne seb kha:ya:?
this who-erg-ms/-fs/-p apple ate-ms
Who ate this apple?
yah iksaka banaa hO?
yeh kiska: bana: h ́?
this what-of made is
What is it made of?
yao iksako banao hOM?
ye kiske bane h ́~?
these which-gen-ms made-mp are
What are these made of?
yah iksakI banaI hOM?
ye kiski: bani: h ́~?
these which-gen-fp are
Which are these made of?