Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. Aap kOsao AaeÐgao?
    a:p k ́se a:ẽge?
    you how (manner) come-2p-fut
    How will you come?

  2. vah khaÐ (pr) baOza haogaa?
    vah kahã: (par) b ́tha: hoga:?
    He where (at) sit-PP be-fut
    Where will he be sitting?

The question words are reduplicated when the expected answer
provide a list (of more that one thing, person, event, etc.).
Reduplication is obligatory with plural nouns.

  1. Aapnao @yaa @yaa doKa?
    a:pne kya: kya: dekha:?
    you-p-erg what what saw-2p-Pa
    What items did you see?

  2. vah khaÐ khaÐ gayaa?
    vah kahã: kahã: gaya:?
    he where where went
    Which places did he visit?

The masculine plural forms of pronouns are used for honorific
singular subjects as well.

Different constituents of the main clause can be questioned as may
be seen in sentence (43) below.

  1. Amar nao kla SaIlaa kao Apnao Gar ek kmaIja, idKa[-.
    amar ne kal ši:la: ko apne ghar ek kami:z dikha:i:.
    Amar-erg yesterday Shiela to selfs house a shirt showed-fs
    Amar showed a shirt to Shiela at his home yesterday.

43a. iksanao kla SaIlaa kao Apnao Gar ek kmaIja, idKa[-?
kisne kal ši:la: ko apne ghar ek kami:z dikha:i:?
Who showed a shirt to Shiela at his home yesterday?

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