Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


48a. yah @yaa hO?
yeh kya: h ́?
it what is-3s
What is it?

48b. @yaa pda- hO?
kya: parda: h ́?

  1. yah iktaba hO.
    yeh kita:b h ́.
    this book is
    This is a book.

49a. yah @yaa hO?
yeh kya: h ́?
this what is-f
What is this?

49b. @yaa iktaba hO?
kya: kita:b h ́?

Different constituents of subordinate clauses can be questioned.
There are two types of subordinate clauses: finite and non-finite. As
is the case with matrix sentences, all elements of these clauses can
be questioned. Constituents, which undergo deletion in the process
of non-finitization, however, cannot be questioned. This supports the
argument that the question formation rule applies after the rules for
non-finitization of the subordinate clauses take place.

  1. (@yaa) Aapkao pta hO maaohna nao Amar kao kla
    kya: a:pko pata: h ́ mohan ne amar ko kal
    Q you-dat knowledge is Mohan-erg Amar-dat yesterday
    iktaba dIÆ
    kita:b di:?
    book gave-f
    Do you know that Mohan gave a book to Amar yesterday?

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