Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


67b. maOMnao iksasao laMbaI laD,kI doKI.
m ́~ne kis-se lambi: larki: dekhi:?
I-erg who-abl tall girl saw-fut
I saw a girl taller than whom?

There are two types of relative clauses: non-finite and finite. No
constituent of a finite relative clause can be questioned. Any element
of a non-finite relative clause, except the subject, can be questioned.

  1. yah baccaaoM kao pOsao donao vaalaa hO.
    yeh baccõ ko p ́se dene va:la: h ́.
    he children-dat money give-inf aux
    He is going to give money to the children.

Direct object of a non-finite relative clause
68a. yah baccaaoM kao @yaa donao vaalaa hO?
yeh baccõ ko kya: dene va:la: h ́?
What is he going to give to the children?

Indirect object of a non-finite relative clause
68b. yah iknakao pOsao donao vaalaa hO?
yeh kinko p ́se dene va:la: h ́?
Who he is going to give money to?

Elements of a postpositional phrase can also be questioned. A
postpositional phrase consists of a head noun followed by a
postposition. The postposition assigns the case to the head noun. The
noun phrase elements of a postpositional phrase can be questioned.
The noun phrase, which is followed by a postposition, is in the
oblique case.

  1. [sa maoja, pr kakja, hO.
    is mez par ka:kaz h ́.
    this-obl table on paper is
    There is paper on this table.

69a. iksa maoja, pr kakja, hO?
kis mez par ka:kaz h ́?
Which table is the paper on?

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