Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


69b. kakja, iksa pr hO?
ka:kaz kis par h ́?
What is the paper (placed) on?

  1. maaohna ko Gar ko pasa dukana hO.
    mohan ke ghar ke pa:s duka:n h ́.
    Mohan-poss house near shop is
    There is a shop near Mohans house.

70a. iksako Gar ko pasa dukana hO?
kiske ghar ke pa:s duka:n h ́?
Near whose house is there a shop?

70b. iksako pasa dukana hO?
kiske pa:s duka:n h ́?
Near which place is a shop?

It is only the noun phrase elements of a postpositional phrase which
can be questioned, not the postpositions.

Elements of a coordinate structure can be questioned. The
coordinate structures are formed either by juxtaposition or by the use
of a conjunction.


  1. SaIlaa icaT\zI ilaKnao ko ilae kakja, klama laa[-.
    ši:la: citthi: likhne ke liye ka:kaz kalam la:i:.
    Shiela letter write-inf for paper pen brought
    Shiela brought paper and pen for writing a letter.

71a. SaIlaa kakja, klama @yaa ilaKnao ko ilae laa[-?
ši:la: ka:kaz kalam kya: likhne ke liye la:i:?

71b. SaIlaa icaT\zI ilaKnao ko ilae @yaa laa[-?
ši:la: citthi: likhne ke liye kya: la:i:?


  1. maaohna AaOr AjaIt idllaI gae.
    mohan r aji:t dilli: gae.
    Mohan and Ajit Delhi went
    Mohan and Ajit went to Delhi.

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