Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. maaohna kla baaja,ar jaaegaa.
    mohan kal ba:za:r ja:yega:
    Mohan tomorrow market go-3s-fut
    Mohan will go to market tomorrow.

83a. maaohna kla baaja,ar jaaegaa?
mohan kal ba:za:r ja:yega:?
Will Mohan go to market tomorrow?

83b. baaja,ar jaaegaa?
ba:za:r ja:yega:?
Will (Mohan) go to market?

83c. maaohna kla jaaegaa?
mohan kal ja:yega:?
Will Mohan go tomorrow?

83d. maaohna jaaegaa?
mohan ja:yega:?
Will Mohan go (to the market tomorrow)?

83e. maaohna?
(Will) Mohan (go to market tomorrow)?

The yes-no echo-questions may be preceded by the term accha: ‘it is

  1. vah kla idllaI sao Aaegaa?
    vah kal dilli: se a:yega:.
    he tomorrow Delhi-abl from come-fut
    He will come from Delhi tomorrow.

84a. AcCa ̧ vah kla idllaI sao Aaegaa?
accha:, vah kal dilli: se a:yega:?
Is it so that he’ll come from Delhi tomorrow?

Using the same intonational patterns as in yes-no questions echoing
a statement, yes-no question echo-questions are formed either by
asking the previous speaker whether he/she asked the question or by
replacing the constituent under focus. Yes-no questions are
prompted by the previous speakers question and they do not merely

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