Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1

4. SYNTAX Degrees of Imperatives

The unmarked ordinary imperative is stronger than the polite
imperative. The obligatives of compulsion are stronger than the
obligatives of prescription and the polite imperatives. Certain
devices are used to strengthen or weaken the force of the imperative.
Intonation and tone play an important role in the degree of the
imperative. A soft tone of persuasion weakens and a hard
authoritative tone strengthens the degree of the imperative.

Certain lexical items or phrases, such as kRpyaa krapaya: kindly kRpa
kripa:/ maohrbaanaI krko meharba:ni: karke ‘after being kind’, and Bagavaana
saavaQaana Kuda ko ilae bhagva:n/xuda: ke liye ‘for God’s sake’ are added to
imperative sentences to add politeness. They weaken the imperative.

  1. kRpyaa Gar jaa[e.
    krapaya: ghar ja:yiye.
    kindly home go-pol-fut
    Kindly go home.

  2. kRpa / maohrbaanaI krko pOsao dIijae.
    krapa:/meharba:ni: karke p ́se di:jiye.
    kindness do-cp money give-pol-fut
    Kindly give money.

  3. Bagavaana ko ilae samaya barbaad mat kIijae.
    bhagva:n ke liye samay barba:d mat ki:jiye.
    God-abl sake/for time waste neg do-pol-fut
    For Gods sake, don’t waste time.

The vocative forms may also be used in the sentence initial position
to strengthen and weaken the degree of imperative. The vocative
forms are as follows.

Masculine Feminine
Sg Pl Sg Pl
Aao o Aao o Aao o Aao o
Aro are Aro are ArI ari: Aro are

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