Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


11a. Aao pagala ̧ yahaÐ AaAao.
o pa:gal, yahã: a:o
hey mad person here come-2s-imp
O mad one, come here.

The use of reduplicated forms of imperatives reinforces the impolite

  1. jaa jaa ̧ sauna ilayaa.
    ja: ja:, sun liya:.
    go go listened
    Go, I have listened.

Yes-no positive and negative questions in the future tense may also
convey the force of imperative form.

  1. ³Aap ́tsvaIr doMgaoÆ
    (a:p) tasvi:r dẽge?
    you picture give-fut-q
    Would you give the picture?

13a. Aap doMgao @yaa tsvaIrÆ
a:p dẽge kya: tasvi:r?
you give-fut-q picture

13b. tsvaIr doMgao @yaaÆ
tasvi:r dẽge kya:?
Would you give (me) the picture?

Performative verbs such as inavaodna krnaa nivedan karna: ‘to make a
request’, and (haaqa jaaoD,kr ha:th jor kar) p`aqa-naa krnaa pra:rthana: karna:
‘to make a request (with folded hands’) also render imperative force
in their complement clause.

  1. maOM haqa jaaoD,kr p`aqa-naa krta hUÐ mauJapr kRpa krao.
    m ́∫ ha:th jorkar pra:rthana: karta: hũ: mujhpar kripa: karo.
    I hands fold-cp request do-ptc am me-dat on kindness do
    I humbly request you to be kind to me.

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