Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Indirect object

  1. ]nhaoMnao ek dUsaro kao ]phar ide.
    unhõne ek du:sre ko upha:r diye.
    they-erg one another-obl presents gave
    They gave presents to each other.


  1. vao ek dUsaro pr ja,aor sao icallaa rho hOM.
    ve ek du:sre par zor se cilla: rahe h ́~.
    they one another-obl with shout-prog are
    They are shouting at each other.

Possessive adjective

  1. hma ek dUsaro ko Gar nahIM jaato.
    ham ek du:sre ke ghar nahĩ: ja:te.
    we one another-poss home neg go-ptc
    We don’t visit each others houses.

  2. vao Aapsa maoM baat nahIM krto ³hOM ́.
    ve a:pas mẽ ba:t nahĩ: karte (h ́~).
    they among themselves talk neg do-pre (are)
    They do not talk to each other.

The same range of reciprocals occur in nominalized clauses.

  1. ]naka ek dUsaro ko Gar na jaanaa zIk nahIM hO.
    unka: ek du:sre ke ghar na ja:na: thi:k nahĩ: h ́.
    their one another-gen house not go-inf good neg is
    Their not visiting each others homes is not right.

  2. ]nakI ek dUsaro kI TaoipyaaÐ barabar nahIM hOM.
    unki: ek du:sre ki: topiyã: bara:bar nahĩ: h ́~.
    their one another-poss caps equal/fit neg are
    Each others caps do not fit them.

It is possible to have reciprocal structures without antecedent, if the
antecedent is understood either syntactically, as in the case of
imperative constructions, or contextually.

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