Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


4.3.12. Coordination

Sentence coordination is marked mainly by the use of the
conjunction morphemes AaOr ør ‘and’ yaa ya: ‘or’, and magar magar/pr
par/ikMtu kintu ‘but’.

  1. maOM idllaI gayaa AaOr maora Baa[- Aagara ³gayaa ́.
    m ́~ dilli: gaya: aur mera: bha:i: agra: (gaya:).
    I Delhi went and my brother Agra went
    I went to Delhi and my brother went to Agra.

  2. saaohna maaohna ko Gar gayaa magar/ pr/ ikMtu maaohna
    sohan mohan ke ghar gaya: magar/par/kintu mohan
    Sohan Mohan gen home went but Mohan
    Gar pr nahIM qaa.
    ghar par nahĩ: tha:.
    home at neg was
    Sohan went to Mohans home, but Mohan was not there.

The conjunction morpheme AaOr ør ‘and’ can be followed by another

particle, BaI bhi: ‘also’.

  1. maaohna kla banaarsa jaaegaa AaOr saaohna BaI ³jaaegaa ́.
    mohan kal bana:ras ja:yega: ør sohan bhi: (ja:yega:).
    Mohan tomorrow Banaras go-fut and Sohan also go-fut
    Mohan will go to Banaras tomorrow and Mohan will also go.

The conjunction compound morphemes yaa ya: -yaa -ya: ‘either – or’
are also used in sentence conjunctions.

  1. yaa Aaja vaYaa- haogaI yaa ihmapat haogaa.
    ya: a:j varša: hogi: ya: himpa:t hoga:.
    either today rain fall-fut or snowfall be-fut
    Either it rains today or it will snow.

Notice that the word order of the constituent sentences undergo a
change when conjoined by the use of the conjunction morphemes yaa

  • yaa ya: - ya:. Sentence (4) is obtained by conjoining (4a) and (4b).

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