Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


4a. Aaja vaYaa- haogaI.
a:j varša: hogi:.
It will rain today.

4b. Aaja ihmapat haogaa.
a:j himpa:t hoga:.
It will snow today.

And coordination is commonly expressed by the conjunction marker
AaOr ør. It can join two or more sentences or phrases. This conjunction

morpheme occurs before the last conjunct.

  1. SaIlaa iktaba pZ, rhI hO AaOr ]maa icaT\zI ilaK rhI hO.
    ši:la: kita:b parh rahi: h ́ ør uma: citthi: likh rahi: h ́.
    Shiela book read-prog is and Uma letter write write-prog is
    Shiela is reading a book and Uma is writing a letter.

  2. Amar Kola rha hO ̧ maaohna gaanao sauna rha hOO AaOr
    amar khel raha: h ́, mohan ga:ne sun raha: h ́, ør
    Amar play-prog is Mohan songs listen-prog is and
    Saama TI vaI doK rha hO.
    ša:m ti:vi: dekh raha: h ́.
    Sham TV see-prog is
    Amar is playing, Mohan is listening to songs, and Sham is
    watching television.

5a. AaOr SaIlaa iktaba pZ, rhI hO ]maa p~ ilaK rhI hO.
ør ši:la: kita:b parh rahi: h ́, uma: patr likh rahi: h ́.

6a. Amar Kola rha hO AaOr maaohna gaanao sauna rha hO ̧ Saama TI vaI doK rha hOO.
amar khel raha: h ́ ør mohan ga:ne sun raha: h ́, ša:m ti:vi:
dekh raha: h ́.

The misplacement of the coordination conjunction morpheme AaOr ør
renders the sentences (5a) and (6a) ungrammatical.

Coordination does not merely involve juxtaposition of two or more
independent sentences. There are various syntactic and semantic
constraints on the construction of coordinate structures. In general,
coordinate sentences express contrast, cumulative effect, cause and
effect, sequential action, and contingency. Again, the order of the

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