Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


33e. baoTa AaOr ipta Gar Aae.
beta: ør pita: ghar a:ye.
The son and father came home.

33f. baoTa Gar AaOr ipta Aae.
beta: ghar ør pita: a:ye.

33g. baoTa AaOr Gar ipta Aae.
beta: ør ghar pita: a:ye.

This explains the ungrammaticalness of sentences (33f) and (33g).
The commutative postposition ko saaqa ke sa:th follows the noun of
accompaniment. It is possible to form coordinate sentences using the
co-ordinate conjunction AaOr ør the comitative postposition saaqa sa:th
in one of the conjuncts.

  1. AjaIt AaOr maaohna Amar ko saaqa jaaeÐgao.
    aji:t ør mohan amar ke sa:th ja:yẽge.
    Ajit and Mohan Amar-obl with go-fut
    Ajit and Mohan will accompany Amar.

34a. Am,ar ko saaqa AjaIt AaOr maaohna jaaeÐgao.
amar ke sa:th aji:t ør mohan ja:yẽge.
Ajit and Mohan will accompany Amar. Structural Constraints

There are various structural constraints in coordination. In general,
members in the same class can be conjoined but not those that
belong to different classes.

Adjective and noun

  1. vah sauMdr AaOr laD,kI hO.
    vah sundar r larki: h ́.

she is beautiful and girl.

35a. vah sauMdr AaOr bauiwmaana laD,kI hO.
vah sundar ør budhima:n larki: h ́.
she beautiful and intelligent girl is
She is a beautiful and an intelligent girl.

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