Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Adjective and adverb

  1. yah kpD,a AcCa AaOr kla hO.
    yeh kapra: accha: ør kal h ́.
    this cloth good and yesterday is

36a. yah kpD,a AcCa AaOr sasta hO.
yeh kapra: accha: ør sasta: h ́.
this cloth good and inexpensive is
This cloth is good and inexpensive.

As exemplified above in sentences (35) and (36), it is not possible to
conjoin adjectives and nouns, nor adjectives and adverbs. Other
types of constraints are indicated below.

Present and past participles and adjectives can be conjoined using
coordinate conjunction morphemes.

  1. Aimat pZ,a-ilaKa AaOr SarIf laD,ka hO.
    Amit parha: - likha: ør šari:ph larka: h ́.
    Amit educated and gentle boy is
    Amit is an educated and a gentle boy.

Similarly, it is possible to conjoin the conjuncts with adverbial
construction and an adjective phrase.

  1. maora ima~ Sahr maoM rhta hO AaOr bahut caalaak hO.
    mera: mitr šahar mẽ rahta: h ́ ør bahut ca:la:k h ́.
    my friend city in live-ptc is and very clever is
    My friend lives in the city and is clever.

A relative clause and an adjective phrase cannot be conjoined.

38a. jaao Sahr maoM rhta hO AaOr bahut caalaak ima~ hO.
jo šahar mẽ rahta: h ́ aur bahut ca:la:k mitr h ́.
who city-abl is live-pr is and clever friend tomorrow

Nouns and nominalized constructions can be conjoined, provided
the semantic and pragmatic conditions are met.

  1. ]sao ]pnyaasa pZ,naa AaOr naaTk doKnaa psaMd hO.
    use upanya:s parhna: ør na:tak dekhna: pasand h ́.

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