Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


he office from came out
He set out from the office.

It represents cause, reason and origin.

  1. vah bauKar sao kmaja,aor huAa.
    vah bukha:r se kamzor hua:.
    he fever from weak became
    He became weak by fever.

  2. baIja sao paOQaa inaklata hO.
    bi:j se pødha: nikalta: h ́.
    seed from plant comes out
    The plant grows out of a seed.

  3. baat sao baat inaklatI hO.
    ba:t se ba:t nikalti: h ́.
    talk from talk comes out
    One thing comes out of the other.

  4. lakD,I sao maojaoM, banatI hOM.
    lakri: se meze~ banti: h ́~~.
    wood from tables make-ptc are
    The tables are made of wood.

  5. imaT\TI sao bat-na banato hOM.
    mitti: se bartan bante h ́.~
    clay from pots make-ptc are
    Pots are made of clay.

It indicates the starting point, place, time, and direction.

  1. mauJao dF,tr sao tar imalaa.
    mujhe daftar se ta:r mila:.
    I-obl office from telegram got
    I got a telegram from the office.

  2. yahaÐ sao Sahr bahut dUr hO.
    yahã: se šahar bahut du:r h ́.
    here from city very far is
    The city is far away from here.

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