Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. kla sao Aaja AcCI QUp hO.
    kal se a:j acchi: dhu:p h ́.
    yesterday from today good sunshine is
    It is more sunny today than yesterday.

It indicates time.

  1. vah dor sao gayaa.
    vah der se gaya.:
    he late went
    He went late.

It is used to indicate the difference or comparison in quality and

  1. vahaÐ sao yahaÐ AiQak garmaI pD,tI hO.
    vahã: se yahã: adhik garmi: parti: h ́.
    there from here more heat fall-ptc is
    This place is hotter than that place.

  2. vah dao saala sao baImaar hO.
    vah do sa:l se bi:ma:r h ́.
    he two year from sick is
    He has been sick for the last two years.

  3. pICo sao Aavaja, Aa[-.
    pi:che se a:va:z a:yi:.
    behind from call came
    Someone called from behind.

It is used to indicate means, instrument, or agency.

  1. caakU sao sabja,I kaTao.
    ca:ku: se sabzi: ka:to.
    knife with vegetable cut-imp
    Cut vegetables with the knife.

  2. klama sao p~ ilaKao.
    kalam se patr likho.
    pen with letter write-imp
    Write a letter with the pen.

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