Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


I-erg this shirt three hundred rupees in got
I got this shirt for three hundred rupees.


  1. [na laD,kaoM maoM Aimat sabasao caust hO.
    in larkõ mẽ amit sa:bse cust h ́.
    these boys-obl in Amit all from active
    Amit is the most active out of all these boys. The Postposition pr par

The postposition pr par is used to denote location or position, point
of time of an action, sequence of actions, cause or reason, and the
object of verbs.


  1. kagaja, maoja, pr hO.
    ka:gaz mez par h ́.
    paper table on is
    The paper is on table.

  2. maoro kpD,o Ct pr hOM.
    mere kapre chat par h ́~.
    my clothes roof on are
    My clothes are on the roof.

  3. ]saka dF,tr yahaÐ sao kuC dUrI pr hO.
    uska: daftar yahã: se kuch du:ri: par h ́.
    his office here from some distance at is
    His office is some distance from here.

Point of time

  1. vah samaya pr nahIM phuÐcaa.
    vah samay par nahĩ: pahũca:.
    he time at not reached
    He didn’t arrive in time.

  2. basa caar bajakr dsa imanaT pr AaegaI.
    bas ca:r bajkar das minat par a:yegi:
    bus four stuck-cp ten minutes at come-fut-f
    The bus will arrive at ten minutes past four.

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