Human Resources People Management

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retirement plans program. She puts 40 percent of her contribution into
Fund A, and 20 percent into each of the other three funds for a total of 100

To enroll an employee in a retirement plan:

  1. Open the Retirement Plans Enrollment window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee-Benefits >> Retirement

  2. Enter or select an employee ID and a retirement plan.

  3. Select a benefit status.

  4. Enter the beginning date and the ending date for the retirement plan. If
    it’s a continuous plan, leave the ending field blank.

  5. Enter the employee’s contributions to the retirement plan by marking
    Use Dollars or Use Percents and entering the applicable amounts in the
    Pre-Tax field, the After-Tax field, and the Bonus field.

If the employee meets certain IRS guidelines and is a “highly
compensated” employee, mark Highly Compensated. For more
information about “highly compensated” employees, refer to the
Internal Revenue Code guidelines.
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